Strategic Planning Is Critical For Any Company

Strategic planning is an company’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions regarding how its resources are used to implement this strategy. This includes its capital, both financial and human. Some well known business analysis techniques that can be used in strategic planning include: SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ) and PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis) or STEER analysis involving Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Regulatory factors and EPISTELS (Environment, Political, Informatic, Social, Technological, Economic, Legal and Spiritual) Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an company’s future course. All strategic planning deals with at least one of the three following key questions: Continue Reading →

Key Points In Retail Marketing That Will Help You

Experienced business people know that it takes a great deal to create a small business which will stand the test of time. Things like product quality, location, customer loyalty, customer service, and industry knowledge play vital roles in the business. But so does something else. Without a good retail marketing plan, the business will die shortly after the businesses first opens its doors. No business owner can afford to forget about marketing, it should be something they think about all the time. Continue Reading →

A Quick Look At Retail Marketing

When it comes to Retail Marketing, utilizing the available types of discounting are priority. Every business wants customer loyalty and there are ways to assure this. By making use of Loyalty cards, customers have an added incentive which will keep them coming back as repeat customers. These cards go by different names, depending on the area of the world in which the customer lives. Continue Reading →

Gold Worth Less Than A Great Web Design

A good web designer or digital agency is worth more than a team of sales people reports the British independent international council for web design in leeds. Lord Meitner the governments lead project manager for web development and design and who heads up the world standards commissions on internet policy was recently quoted in the national press that if a company fails to take action against bad web design then the internet as we know it will cease to exist. Continue Reading →

Items To Consider When Investing In An IPO: Reducing The Risks

IPOs or Initial Public Offers are means by which a company can raise debt free capital through sharing the ownership and profits. There have been many companies opting for the IPO route over the last two decades. There have also been many big success stories with people making decent profits through these investment tools. However, there are always some items to consider when investing in an IPO that can reduce the risk in this. Continue Reading →